Instanced Animation System 1.0.2
by Black Rose Projects
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NInstancedAnimationSystemInstancing Animation System is tool to convert and draw multiple Skinned Mesh Renderers as Instanced Animation Renderers
 NExceptionsExceptions that are exclusive for Instanced Animation System
 CDuplicateBoneSynchronizationExceptionException thrown while trying to start bone synchronization for bone that is already synchronized
 CInstancedRenderersLimitReachedException thrown while trying to create Instanced Renderer over Max Instanced Objects limit. Limit can be set at Project Settings -> Instanced Rendering
 CInstancingNotEnabledExceptionException thrown while trying to create Instanced Renderer while instancing is disabled
 CMeshNotReadableExceptionException thrown when expected mesh not is set to Read/Write in import settings
 CSafetyFailExceptionException thrown while safety check faild inside Baked Animator or Animation managing system
 CCustomValueFloatHolderCustom shader value holder stores data about float property for AnimationData model
 CCustomValueGroupHandleHandle that holds ID's for given custom shader group. Group can be reused for any instance of AnimationData it was get from
 CCustomValueVectorHolderCustom shader value holder stores data about Vector property for AnimationData model
 CInstancedAnimationAttachmentStores data about attachment and allow to manage it
 CInstancedAnimationAttachmentBehaviourThis script is example of how add and manage Attachments on InstancedAnimationRenderer.
Attachments works only in playmode.
To configurate attachment use Configurator Helper.
Automatically create attachment at Start and remove it at OnDestroy.
Hide attachment at OnDisable and show it at OnEnable
 CInstancedAnimationBoneSyncBehaviourThis script is example of how add and manage bone synchronization for InstancedAnimationRenderer.
Automatically start synchronization of given transform for bone of given name at Start, remove synchronization at OnDestroy.
Pause synchronization at OnDisable and resume synchronization at OnEnable
 CInstancedAnimationDataStore complex data about baked animations and structure of Meshses and Materials to render
 CInstancedAnimationRendererMonoBehaviour wrap for InstancedRenderer. Allow managing Instanced Renderer in scene hierarchy and inspector window
 CInstancedAnimatorSpecial animator created from Baked Animator Data. Use optimized Animator states and is strictly connected to Instanced Renderer
 CInstancedAnimatorDataScriptable Object to store Baked Animator data
 CInstancedAttachmentDataConfiguration data used to create attachment
 CInstancedRendererInstance of Instanced Renderer that store individual values as well allow to manage rendering object
InstancedRenderer is native class that allow to mantain rendering without use of GameObject